Successful SPEL BBQ




Thank You to all our amazing Volunteers, who made this BBQ a HUGE success.


Good evening all,

Thank You to those that came out to vote today. 

I am pleased to announce that our members have voted 87% in favor of the Memorandum of Agreement.

Thanks again and have a great week!

In Solidarity,

CUPE Bargaining Committee and Executive.

Seniority List

The senority list is now available on the website. Go to “Resources”, then “Member Information”.  This area is password protected and you will receive an email with this password. If you have any questions, contact Lynn McCormick at .

Next Membership Meeting

Our next membership meeting is Wednesday May 24, 2023. At the Venice House on Central.  The local will buy you a coffee and dessert.

Look at your email for more information. Didn’t get an email – contact President Neale.

CUPE 4254 Bargaining has Begun.

Your Negotiating team is Del, Tammy, Tanya, Monica, Lynn.

Bargaining Update

We have bargained for 8 days with the employer. Thing’s are moving along. Our next assembly will be May 16, 2023.

Come to our next General Membership Meeting for more information. May 24th at Venice House on Central at 7:00pm.

We will buy you a dessert, and a non alcoholic beverage.