Education Workshops- Open to all union members

CONFERENCE CALL_CUPE SK Indigenous Conference 2023_NOVEMBER 16 to 17, 2023_FINAL

CUPE Sask Winter School Brochure 2024


The first workshop is Indigenous People’s Conference 2023, the dead line to register is October 16, 2023.

The second workshop is Winter school in Moose Jaw, dead line to register is Jan 2, 2024.

If you are interested into going to either of these workshops, please email Tammy at


CUPE 4254 Scholarship



          Part of CUPE Local 4254’s mission is to improve working conditions for all its members. In addition to this we want to encourage and inspire youth to imagine a world in which all workers are supported and represented. CUPE Local 4254 dreams of a Saskatchewan where all youth are informed about the importance of unions and the good work that unions have done in improving working conditions for workers. As a part of that mission CUPE Local 4254 has created a scholarship of $500.00 awarded to one youth who is graduating from a Saskatchewan high school, or who is currently enrolled in a recognized university, college, or trade school. Scholarship applicants are invited to respond to the essay question and submit their application along with their essay to by November 1, 2023.

Please check the link above for scholarship application.

          We look forward to reading your application and essay and wish you all the best as you prepare to enter the workforce!


In solidarity,

The CUPE Local 4254 Scholarship Committee




On behalf of the Executive, we would like to welcome you back to another school year. Hope that you were able to have lots of R&R. Just to let you all know that the collective agreement is on the site. If you have any questions or concerns, please give one of the executive a call.




Education workers give back with donation to Saskatoon Food Bank.

CUPE education support workers from Saskatoon Public, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools and Prairie Spirit School Division have donated over $1600.00 to the Saskatoon Food Bank.

In March, the four locals offered 300 tickets to education support staff to attend a Saskatoon Blades Game for the second annual Education Support Workers Appreciation Night. CUPE members were asked to make a small donation to the Saskatoon Food Bank in exchange for a ticket.

Together, these workers were able to come together to enjoy an event celebrating their hard work and support a local charity.

The leadership of CUPE Locals 8443, 2268,  4254 and 3730 felt it was important to give back to the food bank because so many of our own members utilize this service. With the rising cost of living, so many workers-including education support staff-are often faced with the choice of paying bills or buying groceries, or choose what meal to skip so their kids are fed first. We are grateful for the services provided by the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Center and hope to provide additional support in the future.

Teresa, Monica, food bank rep, Dene, Jason









CUPE Saskatchewan leadership taking action as public services and staff reaching breaking point with Sask. Party mismanagement

CUPE local leadership from across the province gathered for the CUPE Saskatchewan All-Presidents’ meeting in Regina on May 26, 2023, to talk about the crisis in public services caused by the Sask. Party Government’s underfunding, mismanagement, and privatization. Despite the provincial government having a billion-dollar surplus, public services are facing chronic cuts and staff are facing burnout, worsening working conditions, and below inflation wages that are causing public services to reach their breaking point impacting students, patients, and Saskatchewan communities.

“The Sask. Party government needs to wake up and take notice that their budget isn’t working for anyone when so many public services and communities are suffering from a lack of funding,” said Judy Henley, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “Dedicated public service workers have had enough and will not stand by and watch our public education system, health care system, and so many other important public services suffer further from inadequate funding. Saskatchewan people and communities deserve better, and we must all defend our public services together from Sask. Party mismanagement.”


CUPE leadership was joined by Carla Beck, Leader of the Opposition Saskatchewan NDP, and Nicole Sarauer, Opposition Critic for Labour, for a round-table discussion about the eroding state of public services, the stress of the growing cost-of-living crisis with lack of government relief, and the need to hold the Sask. Party government accountable for their decisions.

Henley also noted that agreements covering about one in six CUPE members in Saskatchewan are open, and many others are either at the bargaining table or heading there soon. This is a critical moment for public service workers across the province to make progress, secure real wage increases, and demand fair funding for public services.

“CUPE members are on the frontline of our public services, and we must take more action to defend them at the bargaining table and in our communities,” said Henley.

Learn more and take action to protect public services at: