Cupe School

CUPE Wanuskewin School 2024
October 21-24, 2024
Saskatoon, SK
(Wanuskewin is located just outside of Saskatoon)
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the final days of your summer holidays.
Here are a couple items to share with you,
Monica Neale’s (President) email:
Lynn McCormick’s (VP & Chief Shop Steward) email:
As well as:
Please find attached the brochure for the upcoming CUPE School.
It is open to ALL CUPE members.
We (The Executive) are wondering if there is anyone that would be interested in attending this four day school?
If you would like to attend please reply to this email.
We would like to get a count of the people interested before our General Meeting On September 19, 2024.
More details will follow after the meeting.
Enjoy the rest of your break!!!
In Solidarity,
Cindy Brisbin
CUPE Local 4254
Recording Secretary
*As always, please share this with members that didn’t receive it.
If they would like to receive further union emails, please forward their personal email address to me.
Brochure Wanuskewin School 2024-10-21 to 24

Summer Break

We would like to wish you all a much needed break. Enjoy your summer and see you all in the fall.

URGENT re: STF Walk Out

As you have most likely heard, the STF has given a 5 day notice of intention to walk out in an attempt to encourage meaningful bargaining and to allow parents and caregivers a chance to adjust if necessary.


The walk-out is scheduled to happen on Tuesday Jan 16.


Please remember that CUPE stance is not to take on any duties currently provided by an STF member.


Support staff needs to report to work unless given other direction by their employer.  Please make sure that your members are not being directed to do work of other classifications on this day.

Discussions have been held with the STF and they are aware that CUPE members need to report to work and therefore cross any picket lines that may be in place.  We would encourage members to use other doors to enter the school where possible so that physically crossing the line is avoided.  Administrators should be available to walk members across the line if necessary.


If your local receives instructions from the employer that are vastly different that what is in this memo, please contact the EWSC Chair ) or Janice Janzen ( so that we know what is happening around the province.



Janice Janzen

CUPE National Representative


Canadian Union of Public Employees